Thursday, June 4, 2009

W15J 1st OUTING!!

YAY!!! Finally I'm updating our first class outing!! hehe.. I know I took ages but who cares.. at least I am finally posting about it!! Well.. It happened on the 16th May..

We met at Somerset MRT at 1.. I think.. hehe..
Then, there were only a few of us who arrived on time..
Well, so we waited..
When everyone came..
They were all commenting on the dress that I'm wearing..
That's because my "school uniform" was..
T shirt and jeans.. never a dress..

Darren was so damn irritating like usual.. haha..
While waiting for the rest..
Shane called.. and he wanted to come too..
So.. we went to buy the tickets first..
Later.. Some of us went to eat at LJS..
The rest.. dont know they go where lah..
BUT LATER!! they go ARCADE!!
Then they never tell us!! SO PLAY CHEAT ONE!!

haha.. anyway.. I ate 2 pcs chicken..
same as Neeza, Nat and Jaz..
I SWEAR we didnt plan to do that..
A while later, Juno arrived with Shane..
then we ate together.. (I know I'm not making sense..)

anyway.. After that.. we went to watch the movie..
It was uninvited.. Weird show with a weird twist..
But it was alright.. Nat was like sitting beside me..
And she was practically laughing like hell..
Then suddenly.. in the midst of the movie..
Darren shouted out.. NATHIYA WHERE ARE YOU?
haha.. he did that on purpose lor.. so bad sia..

After that.. some of them left..
While the rest walked around orchard..
haha.. then we wanted to take a picture of the whole class..
then this 2 cute ANG MOHS walked passed..
so we asked them to take the picture for us lor..
hah.. IT WAS FUN while it lasted..

LOVES W15J (2009)

Shane, Jaz, Nat and me at LJS
Me and Jaz
Arfin and me (FRONT VIEW)
(side view) cause dont know who take one..
Me, Jaz, Arfin, Nat and Neeza
Me and Darren
Guys in W15J

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